The veiled Lady
So the Lady all veiled in black. I realise this may be a cliche with a lot of horror movies or theatre acts such as "The Woman in Black" but trust me, these things haven't played a part in making me dream of this mysterious gal.
The nightmare:
Okay, so I've fallen asleep, I'm sleeping... Zzzzz. Nothing out of the ordinary no? Exactly. Until I am awaken by someone pressing down on my bed, someone is sitting down... When I open my eyes there she is, the veiled Lady in Black. I can't see her face, just her lips, the veil is too dark to see the rest of her face so I have no idea who she is. She wears a lovely shade of purple lipstick, and she smells of peppermint. Even after I wake I can smell her peppermint aroma filling my bedroom.
Another thing that is noticeable about her, is that although she wears a black gown (everything black actually) her handkerchief is white lace.
So back to the dream...
She weeps. Constantly. If I try to talk to her to console her she will stop weeping but never make eye contact, if I try to position myself to see her face she'll turn or look down. If I touch her arm (as you do to console someone) she'll again stop crying. But then begins to cry again.
She doesn't or won't talk. I think she's weeping over a death but I'm not sure. One night I stayed up all night with her, sitting next to her with my arm around her, trying to console her. But she always leaves before I wake up, reaching out, stroking my fave with her black glove and... just leaves, still weeping as she vanishes through the door.
I once tried to follow her but I wake up as I reach the stairs.
Anyone have any sort of explanation?