Sunday 13 December 2009

Beautiful pictures.

Lucifer's departure from the Heavens
Lucifer cast out by the Angels


  1. Do you know how close I came to actually being called Lucifer as a child? Lol! Lucifer is actually the planet Venus, the morning star, the light bringer.

    If you want to understand religion better, go through the looking-glass. Mirrormask.

    It is all an allegory for Masonic-astrology.

    They knew some people would be smart enough to figure it out, so, to add one final twist to the puzzle, they reversed it.

    Notice is Star Wars, the villain, Darth Vader has the same story as Jesus. His mother is a virgin, etc.

    His original name is Skywalker. Horus was the sky walker. He walked across the sky in 12 steps, each representing an hour of the day. HOURS is an anagram of HORUS.

    Horus does battle with Seth. The Jedi do battle with Sith. It is a letter play. Seth is the dark. If you cross dark and seth, you get Darth.

    The order of the Jedi really existed. They were the people of a city called Jedet, which is more commonly knwon as Mendes. The Masons alse worship a wise imp called Yidu, who, in pictures and paintings is identical in look to Yoda.

    It is all trying to tell you something. This is what I meant by looking-glass. It is in reverse.

    You look at religion and you think: how can something so dark and evil represent light and good. It doesn't. It's in reverse. God is Lucifer and Lucifer is God. People who worship God are really worshipping the dark pathway and vice versa.

    The word God actually has nothing to do with anything good. It comes from the moon cycle. The ancients drew the capital letter 'G' as a backwards 'D'. So if you imagine GOD written with a backwards D instead of the G. It is a drawing of the moon cycle.

  2. They are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
