Sunday 6 December 2009

Surname mixup?

So Gordon Brown is coming under fire again this week. This time it’s for cocking up in his letter correspondents.

Gordon Brown, this fine Country’s Prime Minister (you know, the man who is having sleepless night worrying about recessions, war and other huge things that are waiting to impact our Country) has done a terrible crime and spelled a fallen soldier’s surname wrong when writing to portray his condolences to the family.

The Prime Minister wrote to Guardsman Jamie Janes’ mother to say how sorry he was that her son died in Iraq etc. Which to be honest, was amazing on his behalf, considering he has a million other things to be worrying about.

But let’s be real, the PM probably didn’t even write it. He has people to this for him. So for Mrs Janes to fire at the PM like she did. . . I think it is damned right unacceptable.

Granted the woman is upset, she has a right to be. But she cannot blame anyone for her son’s death, he joined up to the armed forces with his own free will.

Gordon Brown personally phoned Mrs Janes to apologise for the mishap, which again was bloody amazing on his behalf. She accepted (which she bloody well ought to have done!)

Like I said, Gordon Brown has a million things to worry about, yes it’s sad that the boy died, and countless other have died too. But Mr Brown doesn’t need frantic mother’s charging at him for spelling the family surname wrong.

I think this was a complete shambles and the Sun paper should be ashamed of themselves for printing the shit that they did.

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