Monday 7 December 2009

Nightmares: The Chessboard

So this is one of my most disturbing and scary - although it may not seem it to the reader, believe me, this one scares me to death.

Again I fall asleep etc...

When I wake up (inside the nightmare) I'm falling through darkness. When I stop, I realise what I'm standing on. A chessboard - or that's what it looks like anyway.

From the darkness in the right hand corner I can hear mumbling, but the mumbling turns into a high pitch scream, whoever is trying to talk to me has an ultra high pitch frequency voice.

I try to leave, but the high pitched noise gets only worse. So I stand still, the noise stops. It takes me at least 4 attempts to leave until I realise that I cannot move without the screamer attacking my eardrums.

I eventually have to run, just to get out, I feel trapped. So as I run I can see the shadows following me, inside them are things, I can't see them but I know they are there and they ARE coming for me. As I run fast the louder the high pitched noise gets until my ears begin to bleed.

I wake up.

At least 3 times I have woken up to a bleeding nose after this dream.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there interesting, the chessboard and shadows played a part in my nightmares when i was young.

    The feeling of getting trapped is also recognizable, trying to run but dont go forward.
    The figures in my nightmares where huge.
    And i always felt small in my life.
    The last time i felt the feeling was during a shroom trip, like everything became clear.

    but still dont know what it means.
