Thursday 10 December 2009

Why an Angel?

OK, so Santa was stressed this particular year. He had under paid all the ickle Elves, which resulted in a mass strike, forcing Saint Nick to make the presents all on his own. Nightmare!

So Santa made all the presents and headed out to deliver them, BUT, Prancer was sick, so he had to make to with one reindeer down on his sleigh, which caused the whole delivery process to take longer than usual - this didn't help Santa's temper.

Finally he made it home, 9 hours later, and slumped himself into the plush chair in his cookie smelling house. His wife, Mrs Claus, asked him to keep an eye on the pie in the oven while she nipped to the local Happy Shopper store. While she was gone, the jolly fat git fell asleep! The pie burned! On her return, Mrs Santa was not amused and the two had a fierce argument.

Santa was now in a foul mood.

Like a weird twist of fate, there was a knock at the door, the angry bearded man went to see who it was. As she did every year, the Angel of Christmas was standing at the door with a Christmas tree in her hand; "Where shall I put it this year, Santa?" She asked. The furious old guy grabbed the Angel and the tree and bellowed, "I'll tell you where to put it!!"

This is why nowadays we put the Angel on top of the Christmas tree. Because... well, Santa told her to shove it up her arse!



  1. LMAO. I like it. :) You should keep it up, because once you get a good collection of them, you could publish them as a volume.

    Love SpitWash

  2. Never heard that one before :) Thank You...
